using AI to enhance healthcare

Empowering Healthcare Professionals: The AI Revolution

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, 一场由人工智能驱动的无声革命正在发生. As we stand at the crossroads of technology and medicine, 大学处于引领医疗保健专业人员获得前所未有的权力的新时代的最前沿. From advanced diagnostics to personalized treatment plans, 人工智能革命不仅仅是一个概念,而是一股塑造医疗保健未来的有形力量. 与我们一起踏上一段变革的旅程,在这里,代码与同情心相遇,并发现人工智能的集成如何使医疗保健专业人员能够提供更高效的服务, accurate, and personalized care to those who need it most.


人工智能的普遍好处之一在于它有可能改善患者和专业人员的医疗保健. According to Professor Michelle Lea, Director of Clinical Education for the Physician Assistant Institute (PAI),人工智能已经证明了其提高从业者生产力的能力. 她解释说:“人工智能技术可以帮助自动填充患者教育. “We can also expedite note-writing to save time in a clinical setting.”

According to Linda Tampellini, assistant professor of Nursing, AI can also increase the efficiency of on-the-spot research. “For example, 一个病人因你不熟悉的异常诊断而入院,” she offers. “With Chat GPT, 在和病人交谈之前,你可以找到十大网赌平台这种情况的最新研究,并获得更好的了解.”


同样,Tampellini解释了像Chat GPT这样的工具如何成为患者的资源. “When you start a new medication, for example, Chat GPT可以帮助用易于理解的语言解释副作用和风险,” she highlights. “The patient can clarify what they don’t understand, ask the right questions, and discuss areas of concern.”

Furthermore, 人工智能可以为医疗专业人员提供教育说其他语言的患者的工具. “You can ask for medical instructions in French, for example, and Chat GPT will give you the translation. You do have to be careful, though,” she urges. “Chat GPT doesn’t guarantee its accuracy.

Redefining diagnosis?

米歇尔·李(Michelle Lea)指出,人工智能也有可能改善诊断. “有很多十大网赌平台将人工智能纳入x射线等放射学研究的讨论, ultrasounds, CT scans, and similar tests.“我们的想法是,人工智能可能能够检测或识别专业人士可能忽略的东西.

Linda Tampellini进一步指出,这可能只是一个开始. “人工智能或机器学习已被用于基因定位,以识别遗传疾病,并改进基因编辑工具,如CRISPR. 当我们对人工智能的能力有了更深入的了解时,人工智能将把我们带到哪里仍然是未知的.”


部分奥秘在于它学习和调整知识的能力. Tampellini强调,人工智能的使用频率越高,它将变得越来越完善. “Currently, artificial intelligence is used to detect skin cancer, predicting healthcare trajectories of patients, and analyzing radiographic data, for example,” she details. “我们使用人工智能越多,它在预测和识别方面就越好.”

For Ajay Shrestha, UB alum and seasoned engineering expert, 他的经验表明,人工智能的正规的网赌平台将超越诊断——为更快的制药解决方案打开大门. “Drug discovery is a lengthy process that involves trial and error, often with up to 10,000 potential drug candidates,” he explains. “人工智能在减少这一过程的时间和成本方面表现出了很大的希望.”

Trusting in your gut

For some professionals — not only in the medical field, 但在各行各业,人工智能的广泛正规的网赌平台引发了人们对人工智能取代传统上由人类完成的工作的担忧. Within healthcare, at least, Lea和Tampellini都强调,人工智能缺乏评估病人所需的细致理解.

“在医学上,”Lea描述道,“我们总是谈论你的‘临床完形’。. 这是一种直觉,你把多年来学到的一切都考虑进去, as well as your anecdotal experience, and apply it to a given scenario.”


Expanding upon this, 坦佩里尼敦促医疗专业人士,尤其是那些刚刚进入这一行业的人,避免过度依赖人工智能. “人工智能没有第六感,能够盯着病人说, ‘I know something isn’t right, even if it’s not showing up on tests yet.’ You need some experience to gain that feeling, 我们不能训练人们忽略它,而去相信计算机所说的话.”

Analyzing the ethics

而医疗专业人士则担心人工智能最终会取代人类的角色, 患者还会有其他担忧——隐私是最明显的担忧之一. “AI says it doesn’t keep the data, but we know it stays somewhere in the background,” Tampellini suggests. “Whether they acknowledge that they’re keeping information or not, once it goes out there, it never goes away.”

Shrestha reiterates Tampellini’s point, 解释必须采取新措施以确保保密. “Privacy is definitely a concern. 所以,我认为监管必须跟上这项技术的步伐。.

Another conversation causing concern surrounds the issue of bias. “除了隐私,这是人工智能的另一个主要问题,”什雷斯塔说. “It’s as good as the data it was trained on. 在盲目追随这些技术之前,我们必须意识到这一点.”


然而,只要输入是公正的,Lea认为人工智能可能能够减少偏见. “专业人士可能会在没有意识到的情况下对一个或另一个人群给予优惠待遇, whereas a computer has the potential to exclude those factors,” she explains.

不过,Lea指出,人工智能的非黑即白的判断可能会产生影响. “当你的资源有限,你必须做出生与死的决定, computers lack the compassion humans have for patients,” she reflects. “虽然根据计算机的数据点来判断决策是有帮助的, 我们必须执行治疗,并可能处理一个决定的情感和道德影响.”

Food for thought

  • 人工智能将如何给医生和他们的病人带来前所未有的挑战?
  • 计算机有能力复制真正的人类判断力和同情心吗?
  • 随着人工智能越来越多地融入医疗保健领域,可能会出现哪些法律挑战?

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